Friday, March 4, 2011

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen Is A Winner

Love him or hate him, one thing you can't deny is that Charlie Sheen has provided us with a slew of odd 
quotes over the course of the last few weeks. Outrageous in their hubris, frightening for their level of delusion, or just out-and-out weird, here's some of "The Best of Charlie": 

10. "I embarrassed him in front of his children and the world by healing at a pace that his un-evolved mind cannot process,"Sheen said of Chuck Lorre, producer of "Two and a Half Men," during his now infamous interview with Alex Jones. The "healing" to which Sheen is referring is his recovery from drug addiction after the show was put on hold.

9. "I closed my eyes and made it so with the power of my mind," Sheen said during anNBC "Today Show" interview on Feb. 28. This was in response to a question about how he had cured himself so quickly of drug addiction.

8. "You've read about the goddesses, come on. They're an international sensation. These are my girlfriends. These are the women that I love that have completed the three parts of my heart," Sheen said during his interview with "20/20" concerning the two women he refers to as his "goddesses." 

7. "Hope is for suckers and fools," Sheen said on the "Howard Stern Show" concerning whether he hopes to go back to work. 

6. "I probably took more than anybody could survive... I was banging seven-gram rocks, and finishing them," Sheen told "20/20" about his pre-recovery drug use. 

5. "They picked a fight with a warlock," he said of CBS and "Two and a Half Men" executive producer Chuck Lorre, again letting us know of his superhuman powers. 

4. "Well I'm not Thomas Jefferson. He was a (bleep)." Fill in the bleep with an emasculating insult, which Sheen inexplicably interjected into his interview with Alex Jones, the whole of which left listeners' heads spinning with its disjointed weirdness.

3. "You borrow my brain for five seconds and just be like dude, can't handle it, unplug this bastard. It fires in a way that is, I don't know, maybe not from this terrestrial realm."Sheen uttered this doozy of a quote during the "20/20" interview, in an attempt to let mere mortals know what it would be like to experience his far superior brain. 

2. "I am on a drug, it's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available, 'cause if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body." Again from the "20/20" interview, Sheen describes what would happen to anyone who dared to snort him.

1. "I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitching, a total frickin' rock star from Mars." Number one comes from Sheen's interview with "The Today Show." You can bet that you will soon see this on a T-shirt somewhere.

But I think that maybe the very best Charlie Sheen quote my not have come from Charlie Sheen himself -- but rather from John Stamos, who tweeted in response to speculation that he would take over for Sheen on the canceled sitcom: "Contrary to the rumors, I am not replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men. However, Martin Sheen has asked me to be his son." Winning!

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